

My name is Ricardo Heath. I’ve graduated with First Class Honours from the University of the West of England doing Games Technology. I mostly program in C++17 but I have exposure to multiple languages, such as C#.

You can find my Résumé here. The best way of contacting me is via email, which can be found at the top of my Résumé. I have some projects which can be found on github as well as on this website, and a few minor FOSS contributions.


My dissertation was creating a high-level API in C++17 for an entity scene-graph that abstracts and automates networking, such as implementing RPC’s. You can find it here.

My current side-project is working on the 2D renderer for Engine27, which is meant as a culmination of everything I’ve learnt (long way to go). You can find it here.

Game programming

When it comes to games I enjoy designing and balancing systems, as can be seen in my variety of created mods, games, and tools such as platforms and a level editor.
I’m fond of rendering, love networking, and adore architectural challenges (design patterns, yay)

Game Jams

My first game jam was a 1-hour game jam based on a thread at tildes.net, in which I used the Godot engine to make a simple shooter. My second game jam was Global Game Jam 2019, where I worked with a team of friends at UWE to create Country Roads in 72 hours, placing 2nd in the local jam site.


I recently attended Brighton Develop 2019, my first ever conference thanks to it being mostly paid for by UWE. There were some interesting talks and it was great to experience a real conference. I watch a lot of C++ talks from conferences online, and I’m hoping to attend the C++ ACCU in Bristol next year, of which I’ve recently become a member.


I enjoy all types of games (video, pen & paper, and board). My favourite game is Mount & Blade: Warband, my favourite pen & paper game is DnD 5e, and my favourite boardgame is Love Letter (I know! I’m hoping Lisboa will replace it soon).

When it comes to reading I’m all about fictional fantasy and sci-fi, especially anything by Brandon Sanderson. Discworld, Seveneves, Kingkiller Chronicles, and Mistborn are some of my favourites.