Kachiku is a university project that has been worked on across two different years by ~50 different students. Myself and 3 others inherited the level editor project made with Unity for the game and were tasked with improving it.
Read moreKachiku is a university project that has been worked on across two different years by ~50 different students. Myself and 3 others inherited the level editor project made with Unity for the game and were tasked with improving it.
Read moreA 3D RTS “Game” made using Win32 and DirectX11, written in C++17 in 5 weeks for a university module.
Read moreAfter reading the blog post on T-Machine I decided to create an Entity Component System in 2012 by using C++ and SFML. The ECS is unlike that present in Unity, as all components only contain data.
Read moreI made a system in unity to create nice platforms for the 3D platforming Slime Game with helpful debug displays, a variety of controls, smooth catmul-rom spline interpolation, and other polish like tilting based on the players position on the platform and sine wave offsets.
Read moreFor a university module myself and a team of a few others used Unity to create an Audio-Visual Advert. Within the team I was primarily responsible for the audio, while also helping with scene creation, lighting, scripting, and cameras.
Galactic Empires was meant to be a 4x space game made in C++ with SFML, CEGUI, Thor, Lua, and LuaBridge. Development stopped shortly after due to the realisation of the huge scope of such a project and the lack of experience to finish it. It mainly features A* Pathfinding on a Hexagonal Grid, as well as Lua Integration, CEGUI Integration, and State Management.
IM Tools was a local DIY store near my college. Our assignment was to design and create a possible website for their review. It can be found here.